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How Mastering the Four Personality Types Can Increase Conversions

Sep 9, 2022 9:00:00 AM • Written by: Terri Ross

Understanding personality types is a topic I’m passionate about because I'm always speaking about the importance of sales training, which is focused on educating, building trust and rapport and bonding with the client which will  improve your consultation conversion rates. 

We all are dealing with all types of people every single day—patients, spouses, children, friends, employees, or colleagues. That’s why it’s so important to understand the four basic personality types and learn how to mirror and communicate effectively with all of them so you can close the gap within your practice and relate to all types of patients.

The Four Personality Types

Many of you have taken a personality test before (Meyers Briggs, DISC Assessment, etc.). If you haven’t, I encourage you and your team to take one. You will gain invaluable information. While each test views these types a bit differently, we are going to focus on the four main types of personalities: Analytic, Driver, Expressive, and Amicable. 

When you look at the four personality types, you might have characteristics of each one, but we all have a predominant personality type. 

1. Analytic

An analytical type of patient is one who probably really cares about science and data. They will likely want to see clinical studies and outcomes including before and after photos. They typically will take some time to make decisions. 


  • They need convincing
  • Very detail oriented
  • Want to know the specifics behind a procedure or service
  • Data can be used to persuade them 
  • Very logical and sensible


  • Details about everything
  • Credentialing the practice and providers
  • Wanting guarantees or reassurances
  • Past performance data
  • Want credible references


If you are in a consultation or if your front desk team is on the phone with an analytical type, listen for questions or statements regarding assurances, consistencies, and questions about the details of the procedures/surgery and or complications. 

2. Driver

Drivers want facts. They are competitive. They ask a lot of questions and are open for conversation. They want the bottom-line features and benefits and information on how it works. Give them the details in terms of cost, downtime, and value. Then, they will typically be ready to decide right then and there. They are not shopping around. They are results-oriented but not demanding. Once they are sold, they will be very loyal to you and your practice. 


  • Believe what others say
  • Like to be part of cool trends
  • Focus on cost but expect value
  • Enjoy meaningful relationships


  • Open conversation
  • Prefer value of upgrades and add-ons
  • Enjoy being a trendsetter
  • Convinced by statistics
  • Strive for self-improvement
  • Want to know how long it will take to get results
  • Wanting to see before/after photos


If you are in a consultation or your front desk team is on the phone with a Driver, listen carefully and follow up to address concerns about results and processes. Typical questions include: How long will it take for me to get results? Can you show me before/after photos? 

3. Expressive

Expressive types want recognition, and they need approval. They are going to go ask their friends for validation. They will be the ones to tell everyone about your practice...the good or bad. They want professionalism. They want to be liked. They expect a knowledgeable provider during the consultation.


  • Attitude can be demanding/authoritative
  • Accomplished
  • Focus on themselves
  • Can be a little bit of a know-it-all type


  • Recognition
  • Approval
  • High-profile service
  • Want established and proven processes
  • Validation


Listen during phone calls or a consultation for statements about results and processes. Questions may arise concerning, “Is this the most qualified person to do the procedure/service?”  An unhappy expressive type of client is the one who will tell you and everyone else about their problem and write a bad review. 

4. Amicable 

Amicable personality types are nice, sweet people. They want to be liked. They are non-confrontational. They want to hear what other people have to say. They have genuine concerns, and they need assurance. 


  • Outgoing
  • Focused on family
  • Trust what others think
  • Loyal to relationships
  • Like to cooperate and win together
  • Non-confrontational


  • Less formality – use first name
  • Building relationships
  • Feeling connected and secure to buy
  • They like contact. They want to hear from you because translates to genuine concern and interest
  • Follow up for assurance 


Be very friendly and give a lot of reassurance. Establish a personal connection. These are the types of people you’ll want to use their name a lot in conversation with and treat them as if they are a friend. Tune into their concerns by listening to what they have to say. Compliment them as it helps build connection and trust. They want contact with you and to hear from you because it translates into genuine concern and interest. They often need follow-up to prompt them to act. 

Mirroring/Matching Techniques: Why Does it Matter? 

If you are trying to improve your conversion rate when it comes to consultations, learning to mirror or match your patient’s personality style is crucial. One common objection from patients is they did not connect with their provider. 

For example, if I’m a driver and I intuitively recognize that my patient is an analytical type, I am going to need to mirror their style. I will need to show them the studies and take time to go in-depth on features and benefits. That can be challenging for drivers.  However, I will need to adapt if I want to close that sale. If I’m a driver and an amiable type walks in, I’m going to have to connect and engage and mimic their personality style. 

When I teach my live sales training course, I have people pair up with a different personality type and role play. It is a fun exercise, and you really get to see how other people act and how challenging it can be to adapt. It is a great exercise to do with your team as well.

You must care enough to take the time to pause and really understand who you are talking to. I promise you, when you do this, you will become more confident, and your patients are going to be able to relate to you in a better way. You must become a chameleon and adapt to their style. 

If you've never done a personality test for your team, I encourage you to have them take one. You will learn so much. Learning about personality types and mastering how to mirror your style to your patient’s personality style will be one of the greatest and valuable assets you can do for yourself both personally and professionally. 

If you're ready to take your team's training to the next level, book a discovery call today to learn how our proven training modules can transform your business's bottom line.

Terri Ross

Terri Ross is a world-renowned practice management consultant, international speaker, and founder of APX Platform. Terri has spent 15+ years working for Fortune 500 companies in the aesthetic industry, leading sales teams to over $20M. She spent 5 years as managing partner for a high-profile medical spa in Beverly Hills and has been helping hundreds of medical aesthetic practices launch, grow, and scale upwards of $1M and beyond. Terri is a leading speaker attending over 20 annual aesthetic conferences and hosts a podcast, Intouch with Terri, where she teaches industry best practices.