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Top Tips for Social Media Success for the Aesthetic Industry

May 25, 2022 9:00:00 AM • Written by: Terri Ross

The rules of social media marketing are constantly changing. It’s hard for even the top social media experts to keep up with rapid changes, let alone a busy aesthetic practice.

There is so much conflicting advice and rumors out there and it takes a lot of experience and discernment to sift through the sea of social media strategy.

I’ve gotten so many questions from our Clarity Practice Performance System members as well as from aesthetic providers and practice owners about social media and digital marketing strategies specifically geared to the aesthetic medicine space. Here are top tips for leveling up social media, as well as a few things to avoid. 

Tip #1:  Post More Stories on Instagram and Facebook. 

To be effective on Instagram and Facebook, you should post at least 3 stories in a 24-hour period to ensure your brand stays top of mind with your followers. That’s because your stories show up right at the top of the app window, putting it front and center for your audience.

There are both easy and more complex ways to post stories, so here are a few suggestions.

  1. Share your post from yesterday to today’s stories.
  2. Repost a reel you think your audience will enjoy, even if it’s not yours.
  3. Post a story created by one of your vendors.
  4. Create your own story — a video, poll, question of the day, quick skincare tip, or just anything that doesn’t belong as a regular post.

You may have heard speculation or rumors or read posts about Facebook being dead. Don’t discount Facebook just yet. Facebook is not dead, and your target demographic is still actively using it. The trick is to use all the tools at your disposal, including stories and Facebook Live. Frequent Facebook posting may be out but boosting your posts when you need to reach a wider audience is still recommended.

Tip #2: Go Live More Frequently.

Having worked with hundreds of aesthetic practices, I know this can be difficult to do consistently when you have a full schedule. I also know not everyone is comfortable on video (especially live video), but I recommend you give it a try. Going live can help you reach a wider audience and ensure your current followers see your content regularly.

Not sure what to say on your live video? Here are some ideas: 

  1. Show off your practice with a guided tour.
  2. Talk about a new product or treatment.
  3. Answer frequently asked questions you receive in your practice or in your comment section when you do post.

These are also great ideas for pre-recorded videos you can post in your stories or on your social media pages. The best videos can also be uploaded to YouTube and embedded on your website.

Tip #3: Personalize Your Social Media Posts.

Posting vendor assets or sharing posts from vendors is ok to do, but make sure you do it wisely. Modify vendor images using graphics tools like Canva to personalize with your own branding. If possible, consider creating your own, assets with more unique designs and your own personal branding. Even better, just take photos of your products in your practice for posting use instead of relying on vendor assets at all.

At the end of the day, the best social media marketing posts are uniquely yours and yours alone, but personalized vendor assets are better than just resharing their posts without modification.

Tip #4: Stop chasing trends. 

If you have an in-house marketing team that can jump on trends the moment they drop, then go for it. Most practices don’t have those kinds of resources. Instead of chasing every trend, work toward delivering value to your followers and showing them why they should choose you over your competitors. A trendy TikTok dance isn’t going to win your practice new business. Your unique style, voice, and communicating your unique value proposition will draw in the right clientele to your social media accounts.

Tip #5: Don’t neglect other digital marketing opportunities. 

Social media is a tool to help you grow, but you always need to work on your website and grow your email list. You own and control both, but you don’t have a say in whether a social network disappears tomorrow. Use your audience growth on social media to grow your email list and drive traffic to your website.

Tip #6: Don’t leave your social media marketing to just any staff member. 

I encourage you to involve your entire staff in assisting with marketing efforts (taking photos and recording videos); however, a winning strategy requires a digital marketing expert. Your providers and staff are busy running your practice and assisting patients during the day. Building a successful marketing strategy requires an additional, dedicated staff member, freelancer, and/or agency working with the rest of your team to create and deliver amazing content.

If you are not yet a Clarity Practice Performance System member, webinars are just one of the ongoing educational benefits of the Clarity Community. We invite you to schedule a discovery call today to learn how Clarity Technologies’s cloud-based, business intelligence, training, educational and data analytics solution for aesthetic practices can optimize employee productivity and increase practice profitability through training, analytics and community.

Terri Ross

Terri Ross is a world-renowned practice management consultant, international speaker, and founder of APX Platform. Terri has spent 15+ years working for Fortune 500 companies in the aesthetic industry, leading sales teams to over $20M. She spent 5 years as managing partner for a high-profile medical spa in Beverly Hills and has been helping hundreds of medical aesthetic practices launch, grow, and scale upwards of $1M and beyond. Terri is a leading speaker attending over 20 annual aesthetic conferences and hosts a podcast, Intouch with Terri, where she teaches industry best practices.