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How to Structure New Employee Orientation for Your Practice

Sep 1, 2020 9:00:00 AM • Written by: Clarity Technologies

One of the most important assets of your medical aesthetics practice is your team.  Each member of your team, from the front office to the clinical team, medical providers, and consultants if you have them, should be well-trained, knowledgeable, and have a passion for this industry and their position. Building a top-notch team of employees begins with planning and executing an informative, comprehensive, and well-conceived new employee orientation. We'll go through the elements of how to structure a successful new employee orientation—from preparation to on-the-job training—and relay key points that will ensure your team is well-trained, informed, and prepared.


Ahead of time, make personalized packets of information for every new employee. Make sure all key information is included, from tax information, employee benefits, employee handbook and all legal documents, to the basics of how your office operates. Include system log-in information, a layout of the office, as well as detailed job descriptions. It is also a good time to relay etiquette and dress code expectations, so any questions or concerns can be addressed before their first full day. You may also choose to include job-specific e-training, so employees can get a head start on preparing for their role before their first day. Preparing personalized folders of information for new employees is the first step to a successful NEO. Not only does it help you build a more productive staff, but it makes new employees feel welcomed and informed.

Assign a “Peer” or Work Buddy

To help each employee adjust to the systems and protocols of your office, it’s a good idea to assign them a “work buddy.” Preferably, this person will work closely with the new employee in their role. The duties of the work buddy include: making introductions to other employees in the office (front office staff, doctors, clinical personnel, and supporting staff), making sure the new employee feels comfortable in his/her workspace, and providing necessary resources and information about their job duties and general office protocols (system logins, meeting schedules, patient care, etc.). Joining a new office dynamic can be intimidating and overwhelming. By assigning each new employee a go-to person within the office, you will ensure they feel welcomed and integrate seamlessly into your team.

Give a Comprehensive Tour

Give each new employee a complete tour of your office, from the front office to the waiting rooms, procedure rooms and consultation rooms. Every employee in your office should know where to direct patients if needed and where to find necessary information whether administratively or clinically. In order to offer top-notch service, each employee should be an integrated member of your team. This means knowing what types of procedures your office offers, the technology available, and a comprehensive view of the industry and how your office compares to your competition. You want each employee to know their niche in the office so they can excel in their role. The first step is offering a complete and narrated tour.

Provide Access to Important Systems

In addition to offering introductory packets and a guided tour, you will want to make sure every new employee has access to your systems. If the employee will need to access patient information in his/her role, provide information on the patient management software and scheduling system used. Not providing this can negatively affect their productivity. If they can begin familiarizing themselves with the protocols and systems in your office during orientation, they will become productive members of the team much faster. You may also want to provide detailed information on new technology and services your office offers and make sure the employee can log onto vendor websites, as needed. This way they can take the initiative to really learn the technology your office offers, after-hours if needed.

Plan a Group Lunch

New employee orientation can be overwhelming. To help make the employee feel relaxed and welcomed, plan a group lunch on their first day. Order food from a nearby café or restaurant and gather in a neutral location, like a staff conference room. Make sure a few people from each part of your office are included: front office staff, supporting staff, nurses and doctors. Not only can the new employee interact with and get to know other members of the team on a personal level, but they will also establish key connections that will help them in their role. The most important part of answering any question is knowing who to ask. This introductory lunch will help establish those first connections and help the employee feel more integrated before they begin their first full day on the job.

Offer On-The-Job Training

As part of new employee orientation, you will want to introduce the new employee to the general structure of a normal working day. Beginning after lunch on the first day, make sure the employee is settled at his/her desk or office location and provide a few simple tasks to complete. The “work buddy” will need to be available and ready to assist in the coming days and weeks, if needed. Make sure the employee feels encouraged and supported to ask questions. Now is the time to make sure the new employee feels comfortable with the expectations of his/her role, is equipped with all the necessary tools, and can begin working as a valuable member of the team.

Follow Up

One of the most critical aspects of new employee orientation is following up. Don’t expect the new employee to know his/her role completely before he/she has some experience. A general rule is to have the “work buddy” check in with the employee weekly. After one month, arrange a meeting between the employee and the front office manager, or relevant supervisor. This is a dedicated time for the employee to ask unanswered questions. You can also use this time to gather feedback and ask the employee questions about the office, the services you offer, and the technology you use. At this point, the employee should be familiar with their role and responsibilities, know the basics of your services and treatment plans, and should also have some background knowledge of the industry. Use this opportunity to give an informal quiz and make sure he/she is up to speed.

Having a knowledgeable staff is absolutely key to the success of your office. This starts with an effective and well-thought-out new employee orientation. The Clarity Practice Performance System offers on-demand, role-specific training to consistently train your staff to the best standards.

Clarity Technologies

Clarity Technolgoies offers the world's first Practice Performance System. With a commitment to fostering growth and success for medical practices, we bring unparalleled expertise to the forefront. Through our articles, our team of experts share valuable insights, tips, and industry knowledge that will elevate your practice to new heights.