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7 Tips to Increase Revenue This Holiday Season

Dec 10, 2021 9:00:00 AM • Written by: Terri Ross

As you come into the home stretch for the holidays, you can make it a “December to Remember” with an end-of-the-year boost in revenue with a little planning and strategic thinking. So here are some ways to boost your sales,  increase your revenue, and continue to establish your “Know, Like, and Trust” factor with your clients. 

1. Embrace Holiday Specials for a Revenue Boost

While I don’t ever advocate discounting your services as it promotes a “Groupon” mentality and image, you can offer holiday specials for the month of December.  Choose one to three products or services that yield a high profit per treatment or generate a high revenue per hour for your practice.  If you do not know how to calculate these two critical numbers or understand their relevance, I invite you to schedule a demo of the Clarity Practice Performance System where you can take our financial training course and have access to financial calculators that will give you critical information on both profit per treatment and revenue per hour. Or you can read more about calculating Profit per Treatment and Revenue per Hour here.

2. Promote Gift Cards Effectively

Promoting holiday gift cards as gift ideas for friends and family is a great way to take advantage of the giving season and bring new clients into your practice. Seeing an email about gift card availability might spark a current client to put your gift card on their holiday wish list as well.  You can also market your gift cards in a bundle.  For example, buy $500 worth of gift cards and get a $50 gift card for yourself.  Clients can purchase either physical gift cards from your office, or you can deliver personalized digital gift cards via email or text from various online service platforms such as giftfly.com or giftcards.com.

3. Leverage Your Holiday Email Newsletter 

Sending out a newsletter with holiday wishes to your existing clients from your practice serves multiple purposes. It is a nice touch to show you care, but also a great way to promote patient retention, put your name in front of your patients, and spark them to book an appointment.  An email newsletter is also an opportunity to educate them about your holiday specials and let them know you are booking up quickly so they should schedule something as soon as possible. 

4. Host a Holiday Open House or VIP Party

Hosting a holiday open house or VIP client party is another way to generate revenue this holiday season and connect with your clients.  You can offer holiday specials exclusively available to purchase during the holiday party, have retail items on display for purchase, and even have a drawing for prizes.  Be sure to meet with your staff prior to the event to discuss sales goals, test their product knowledge, and hone their sales and customer experience skills. Focus on education vs. sales. 

5. Optimize Your Retail Display for the Holidays

Make sure your retail display looks festive for the holidays and your shelves are well stocked. Train your front desk team to ask clients if they need any products and make sure they are well-versed in talking about the benefits of each product you feature.  Create sales targets/goals for the month with your team in advance to create buy in and gamify the process.  

6. Create Strategic Social Media Promotions

Make sure your social media strategy includes promoting your holiday specials. Perhaps have a 12 days of Christmas campaign with a different special each day or a theme for each week in December.  Make sure there is a link to purchase in all your posts and a clear call to action. 

7. Maximize Your Website for Holiday Sales

Make sure that whatever specials you have going on, you advertise them on your website as well.  Add a banner on the home page for holiday promotions or special offers. Make it easy for your clients to purchase with a link to buy gift cards or book services on your website. The easier it is, the more likely clients will purchase. 

Remember, a goal without a plan is just a wish. So, sit down with your team and define your holiday sales goals, create buy-in, get them excited, and explain the strategies you are going to use to promote holiday sales. I’d love to hear how your holiday season went so please stay in touch and share your results with me.  Wishing you a successful holiday season!  

Terri Ross

Terri Ross is a world-renowned practice management consultant, international speaker, and founder of APX Platform. Terri has spent 15+ years working for Fortune 500 companies in the aesthetic industry, leading sales teams to over $20M. She spent 5 years as managing partner for a high-profile medical spa in Beverly Hills and has been helping hundreds of medical aesthetic practices launch, grow, and scale upwards of $1M and beyond. Terri is a leading speaker attending over 20 annual aesthetic conferences and hosts a podcast, Intouch with Terri, where she teaches industry best practices.